Retirement & Savings Calculators
Are you planning for retirement? Creating a college savings plan? Although it is nearly impossible to predict what the market and economy will be like over the years, our savings and retirement calculators can help you estimate how much you need to save to reach your goals. Our free retirement and savings spreadsheets are designed for Microsoft Excel, so you can work with them on your own computer.
How much of your salary do you need to save to reach your retirement goal? That is not a simple question to answer, but that is what this spreadshee[...]
How much will you need to save to help your child get a college education? That is the question my College Savings Calculator can help answer[...]
The Annuity Calculator on this page is based on the time-value-of-money or "finance theory" definition of annuity. By that definition,[...]
Do you budget? How much of your monthly savings do you allocate to each of your savings goals? How do you keep track of how muc[...]
Do you use separate bank accounts for tracking different savings goals or for holding funds for annual expenses like taxes or insurance payments? If[...]
Calculating your net worth is not a complicated process. For both individuals and businesses, net worth is simply the total value of y[...]
Compound Interest refers to earning or paying interest on interest. Although it can apply to both savings and loans, it is easi[...]
Some of the questions I have had regarding mortgages and just loans in general have had to do with whether it is a good idea to make extra[...]
Are you looking for a simple retirement calculator? I got swamped as I began looking for retirement planning calculators and software. What I[...]
Wonder what your 401(k) balance could be by the time you retire? Our free 401k Calculator for Excel can help you estimate how much you could[...]
Our Savings Calculator is a free spreadsheet that is simple to use and much more powerful than most online calculators that you'll find. It w[...]
How long will your retirement nest egg last? That is what this new spreadsheet-based calculator can help you figure out. It simulates the cas[...]
If you are considering contributing to a Traditional or Roth IRA (or 401k), you may have already heard that the main difference is whether the contr[...]
This spreadsheet was designed for people who want a simple way to track the value of their investment accounts over time. Every investment site or f[...]
What is a savings snowball? The snowball method is a type of rollover strategy for both debt payoff and savings goals. A savings snowball<[...]