Legal Forms & Documents
TotalSheets is not an expert in legal matters. However, there are some issues that have come up so frequently that we have needed templates or forms for our own use, and we have made some of these available. For other types of legal forms, you might consider a website such as or
The most common use for a Bill of Sale is to document the transfer of ownership of a car, vehicle, or automobile from the seller to the buyer[...]
Create a proforma invoice using our free template listed below. A pro forma invoice is very similar to a sales quote because it is use[...]
A Price Quote, Sales Quote, or Service Quote can be a legally binding agreement between a vendor and a customer to deliver prod[...]
A rental agreement is extremely important for any landlord wanting to rent their property. Even if you are renting to a friend or family memb[...]
Whether you are doing 'for rent by owner' or renting one of several investment properties, tenant screening is a very important part o[...]
If you want to discuss a potential partnership, license agreement or other business arrangement with someone, you should have the person sign a N[...]