Infant Growth Chart Template
Track, calculate, and chart your infant's growth
Simply enter your baby's growth data in the table and this infant growth chart will automatically chart your data on a percentile graph so that you can visualize your baby's growth over time. It also gives you a numerical percentile based on the World Health Organization's (WHO) growth standards.
Track your infant's measurements all in one spot
It's easy to input new data after each doctor's appointment. You can keep track of height, weight, and head circumference. This template also includes unit Conversion Calculators in the sidebar to convert inches to centimeters and pounds+ounces to kilograms to assist you in entering the correct measurements into the table.
View weight and height percentiles
Visualize your baby's growth percentile in easy-to-read graphs and table columns. The percentile calculator pulls data from the WHO database to give you accurate data comparisons.
Infant Growth Chart
for Excel
This infant growth chart helps to keep your baby's measurements all in one place. It automatically plots your baby's data on a percentile graph, allowing you to easily visualize your infant's growth over time. You can keep track of height, weight, and head circumference. In addition to the percentile graphs, a numerical percentile is automatically calculated when the measurement data is entered.
Within the template you will find the main Growth Tracker worksheet where you enter your baby's data. In the same worksheet there are conversion calculators for your convenience. In addition to the chart where you input your infant's growth data, there are 3 percentile graphs that automatically plot the data you entered: an infant weight chart, infant height chart, and infant head circumference chart. These charts pull statistics from the WHO data tables in the other three worksheets.
Important Although you can view the graphs in the other three worksheets, do not delete or edit the data in the Weight Data, Height Data, or Head Circ Data worksheets, as it is from the WHO statistical standards database and is used to create the percentile charts.
The percentile data that is used to make the graphs in this template comes from the World Health Organization's Growth Standards, which is recommended by the CDC for ages 0 to 2 years. If you would like to learn more about why the CDC recommends WHO's charts, see their web page: WHO Growth Standards.
All reasonable precautions have been taken to correctly use the World Health Organization's child growth standards data. However, this spreadsheet is published without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The responsibility for the use and interpretation of these tables and charts lies with the user. See the TotalSheets license agreement for more information. You should seek the advice of qualified professionals regarding medical and health decisions.
Why tracking your child's growth is important
Tracking an infant's growth on a percentile chart allows parents and healthcare professionals to see over time on what percentile the infant is trending. It makes it easier to spot sudden increases or decreases in growth, and then consult a healthcare professional to determine if there are any health or food intake concerns.
Here are some common questions relating to percentile growth charts:
Is it important to track my child's growth over time, and why?
Yes, it is important to track your child's growth because it allows you and health professionals to monitor your child's health and well-being.
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How important are growth percentiles?
The exact percentile numbers may not be the most important thing to keep your eye on in your baby's chart. A baby can be perfectly healthy even if they are not within a 5%-95% range. Rather, it is their rate of growth and consistency over time that may be more important.
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What is a percentile chart, and what is the purpose of a percentile chart?
Percentile charts, specifically the World Health Organization's international growth standard charts, are graphs that show the statistical ranges of growth for babies and children. They can be used to compare a child's growth to the international average of other children of the same age and gender.
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How can I better understand the percentiles in growth charts?
Think of the percentile numbers like this: Imagine there are 100 babies who are the same age as your baby. If your child is in the 45th percentile for weight, then there are 44 babies who weigh less than your baby, and 54 babies who weigh more. So, your baby weighs more than 45% of babies their same age.
Why do pediatricians use growth charts?
Growth charts are used by healthcare providers to compare a child's measurements to other children of the same age and gender. Although they mainly watch the rate of growth of the child, growth charts can be helpful when there are unusual changes, such as insufficient or excessive growth.
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What are the limitations of growth charts?
The WHO (World Health Organization) growth standards mainly reflect the growth of breastfed infants. Additionally, the WHO charts show how infants should grow if they are in the optimal conditions.
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How often should you take your baby in for checkups?
It is recommended that you visit a healthcare provider for checkups for your baby about 6-7 times during their first year. A common timeline is: 3-5 days, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 1 year old.
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