What to include in your resume's objective statement is a very common question. We've included a very generic object in our free resume template, but if you want to do something different, you can learn more about how to write a resume objective and see additional sample statements below.

The resume objective statement should be 1 or 2 lines that briefly describes what type of position you are seeking, with what company (or type of company), and what key attributes and skills you would be contributing. If you are applying for a specific position, make sure that your objective applies to that position. Consider using similar key words and skills listed in the job posting.

Some industries require an objective statement. Other industries discourage them. Contact a career placement advisor if you have questions.

Sample Resume Objectives

The sample resume objectives below are designed as general templates. You replace the [bracketed text] with the appropriate skill, company, position, etc.

A position in [field of interest] that requires [skill 1], [skill 2] and [skill 3]

A [type of position] position involving [key skill] in a [type of organization]

A position as a [position title] in an [type of company]; particular interest in [topic 1], [topic 2], [topic 3] and [topic 4]

A position as a [position title] utilizing my expertise in [area of expertise] in the [name of department] department of a [type of organization]

A summer internship in the field of [name of field] with [name of company]

A [type or title of position] position in the [name of industry] industry where my expertise in [area 1] and [area 2] would be needed

[Position title] in a [type of company] organization where [skill 1] and [skill 2] are needed

An entry-level position as a junior consultant with Company ABC

Bad Example (Too vague): A challenging position in the sales industry.

The second part of the article "How to write a masterpiece of a resume" at rockportinstitute.com provides a very detailed explanation of how to write a resume objective and includes some excellent sample resume objectives.

Resume Objective Tips

  • Don't be too vague or general.
  • The objective may be the first thing that the hiring manager reads after your name, so write your objective statement with that in mind.
  • Focus the objective statement on what the employer would like to see.
  • If your objective statement is not a sentence, you don't need to end it with a period.

Quotes Regarding the Resume Objective

There is a lot of conflicting information about what the objective statement should be, whether you should include one at all, etc. So, I have compiled this list of quotes from various career placement and resume sites.

"Include an objective to demonstrate that you have career direction. The objective may change for each job title, career function, and employer... You may tailor your objective when you send your resume yourself and when you submit your resume to an individual employer for campus interviewing.)" - University Career Services - UNC.edu

"If you state a career objective, it should be brief, concise and address the current job only, not future career plans. This category should be used only when your job objective is clear or definite. You may state your job objective in the cover letter rather than in your resume. If so, your resume can be more general and versatile." - Career Center - Fullerton

"If you have a cover letter, you generally do not need an objective. If you decide you want one anyway, it should be a concise and meaningful statement describing your career goals. Be as specific as possible without being too restrictive." - Trinity College Career Services

"Ideally, your resume should be pointed toward conveying why you are the perfect candidate for one specific job or job title. Good advertising is directed toward a very specific target audience... Targeting your resume requires that you be absolutely clear about your career direction--or at least that you appear to be clear... The way to demonstrate your clarity of direction or apparent clarity is to have the first major topic of your resume be your OBJECTIVE." - Rockport Institute

In my opinion, using the Objective and Summary of Qualifications sections is better than just a "Profile" section because the reader doesn't necessarily know what to expect when they see an ambiguous heading like "Profile". "Objective" and "Summary of Qualifications" is clearer, and clarity is extremely important for resumes.


Disclaimer: The information on this page is for educational purposes only. Your situation is unique and we do not guarantee the applicability of this information to your specific situation.