Shift Calendar Template
This template was designed specifically for firefighters and EMS (Emergency Medical Services), who typically work a 24-hour on and 48-hour off schedule. The spreadsheet shows which days each of the 3 different shifts work, and allows you to list the names of personnel assigned to each shift or platoon.
Shift Calendar for Firefighters and EMS
for Excel
This calendar was designed specifically for firefighter shift scheduling. The calendar automatically colors each day of the year based on the shift pattern and start date.
If an individual firefighter wants to create a calendar showing only the day he/she is working, a pattern such as "Bxx" or "xxA"can be used where "x" would indicate the days off and the "A" or "B" represents which shift he/she is working.
To incorporate Kelly Days, or a day off every 16 ABC shifts, you could use a long pattern with an "x" to indicate the Kelly Day like this: "ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCx"
Update 5/22/2017: A "4 Shifts" worksheet has been added to the download for creating a 4-shift rotation, shown in the example image below. This is just a second worksheet within the same Excel workbook.