A strong background in math is essential for later life skills. It is essential to start building the skills for a strong background when children are only in elementary school, as that is when their minds are most impressionable. Elementary school teachers need dependable resources in order to begin laying these math foundations in the minds of their students. Here is a large collection of resource links to the lessons that will help teach elementary school students about math and help them with their homework.

Elementary Math Lessons, Games, and Resources

  • The Math Worksheet Site: Awesome tools for creating printable math worksheets.
  • Math Worksheets Island: Another great place to find math worksheets of all kinds, organized by topic and by grade level.
  • The Bananas Problem: Math lesson for grade-school kids that teaches them about fractions.
  • Can Teach: List of ideas to help elementary school kids formulate math concepts better in their heads. Ideal for homework help.
  • Math Learning Center: Provides sample lessons for elementary school kids that are ideal as homework help.
  • Math Their Way Blackline Masters: Provides visitors with resources like graphs and tables that elementary kids can use in their math homework.
  • Figure This!: Contains a monster list of math challenges that teachers of younger elementary school students can download and print. Good for use in homework assistance or lesson plans.
  • Smile Program: A lesson targeting first and second graders with regards to educating them about place value.
  • Mathematics Archives: A web page listing a monster number of links to math lessons for elementary school kids.
  • Math Worksheets - Addition: Collection of worksheets for math for elementary school students. Great for homework assignments.
  • PEC: A lesson for elementary school kids that incorporates physical education into the math lesson. Students will learn about the different kinds of angles.
  • IXL: Math practice lessons for second-graders. This web page is phenomenal for helping sharpen kids for their homework assignments.
  • Free Printable Worksheets - Hundreds of free educational worksheets, including free printable math worksheets.
Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational purposes only.

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