Template Gallery Add-in Screenshot
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Browse our collection of over 300 professional templates from within Excel.

For: Excel 2007, 2010, or 2013 (32 / 64 bit)

The add-in lists all of our templates and provides ways to browse and search for specific templates. It shows thumbnail images of each template. When you click on the green or blue Download buttons, your browser will open to the page on TotalSheets.com where you can download the latest version of the template.

This VBA add-in was created and is maintained by the Ribbon Commander team, a company named ILYDA (UK) Ltd located in England. TotalSheets provides the data feed that the add-in uses to list and display the templates, but RibbonCommander.com created the VBA add-in.

If you have questions about how to use or install Ribbon Commander and/or the TotalSheets Template Gallery Add-in, please contact the Ribbon Commander team.

Is it free? No. The Template Gallery add-in is available from within the Ribbon Commander framework. Ribbon Commander is not free, but has a free trial. Our Template Gallery is one of the add-ins that you will have access to with a paid subscription to the Ribbon Commander add-in. It won't give you free access to the templates that we sell, but 95% of our templates are free to download.

Get the Add-in

Step 1: Download and install the Ribbon Commander add-in.

Download Ribbon Commander >

If you need help installing the add-in, see the Installation Instructions for Ribbon Commander on ribboncommander.com.

Installing Ribbon Commander will add an RC tab to your menu bar in Excel.

Step 2: Open the RC Add-in Manager and Install the Template Gallery

Go to RC > Add-in Manager. The following window will appear. Scroll down and click on the box next to Template Gallery. Then, click on the Install button.

Ribbon Commander Install Gallery

Note: If you ever want to completely uninstall the add-in, follow this same procedure. The Install button will be changed to an Uninstall button.

Step 3: Load the Template Gallery Add-in

Go to RC > Installed Add-ins and click on the Template Gallery listing, as shown in the image below.

Load Template Gallery Add-in

This will open a window showing the status of the add-in as it copies the images and listing information for the template gallery to your computer. Yes, the thumbnail images used in the template gallery will be stored on your computer.

When loaded, you will see a new ribbon named TotalSheets as shown in the image below.

Template Gallery Ribbon

Note: If you ever want to remove the TotalSheets tab from your menu, click on the Unload Add-in button (on the far right side of the TotalSheets ribbon). You can repeat Step 3 if you want to load the add-in again later.

How it Works

When you click on a Download button or an Image in the gallery, your default browser will open to the page on TotalSheets.com where you can download and learn more about the template.

You can browse templates by category ...

Browse by Category

You can search for templates by keyword ...

Search by Keyword
Browse by Keyword

You can get more info about the template when hovering over an image ...

Tool Tip Information


Please let us know what you think of this add-in using the Feedback form below.

If you have questions about specific templates, please via email.